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3D documents for face shields

A.Spickenheuer, L IPF

We are delighted that you would like to 3D print plastic visors. In cooperation with biosaxony e.V., the medical staff of the Dresden Municipal Hospitals and the Carl Gustav Carus University Hospital, DRESDEN-concept scientists have pro bono created optimised construction files, which we will make available to you as print files. Please contact:

DRESDEN-concept e.V.

Mail to:


André Hofmann

CEO // Biosaxony


Please note that this product has not been tested according to DIN (German Institute for Standardisation) and is only meant to help overcome the current supply shortages. The print files must not be used for commercial purposes.

For more information on the liability disclaimer, please refer to this document.

For more information on the liability disclaimer, please refer to this document.

The building instructions for the 3D printed plastic visors are available here.

Injection moulding design

Kunststoffvisier / Englisch:Plastic visor

In cooperation with DRESDEN-concept e.V. and biosaxony e.V., the Kunststoffschmiede* volunteers team, and the 1st Mould GmbH  company, engineers and students of TU Dresden’s Institute for Lightweight Engineering and Polymere Technology (ILK) have optimised the head mountings for protective visors for the injection moulding process within only three days.

The injection moulding design of the head mounting is available here. The Kunststoffschmiede* is particularly committed to the developed solution allowing for recycled plastic waste to be used for the production of the protective visors. Such a closed-loop material cycle production both protects the environment and is very resource-efficient.

The building instructions for the plastic visor produced by injection moulding is available here:

Bauanleitung für Spritzgießvariante