About DRESDEN-concept
As part of TU Dresden’s application in the Excellence competition, the DRESDEN-concept alliance was established in 2010 and decided to jointly participate in the race towards the Excellence status. On 20th August 2010 the statutes of the alliance were signed by TU Dresden, the University Hospital, the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (at the time called Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf), the Leibniz IPF and IFW, the Deutsches Hygiene Museum, the SLUB, the State Art Collections, the Max-Planck CBG, PKS and CPfS as well as the Fraunhofer IKTS, IPMS, IWS and FEP.
The DRESDEN-concept research alliance currently comprises 41 partners, including including TUD Dresden University of Technology, local institutes of the four major German scientific organizations – from the Max Planck Society to the Leibniz and Helmholtz Associations and the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft – as well as other research institutions, universities of applied sciences and of the arts plus research-active cultural institutions.
The mission of DRESDEN-concept is to strengthen cooperation among its partner institutions and to identify and exploit synergies in research and teaching as well as infrastructure and administration. This is also illustrated by the acronym DRESDEN, which stands for Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty. Examples include identifying and coordinating research priorities, jointly attracting top staff and talents, or the joint use of resources.
By networking across institutional and subject boundaries, DRESDEN-concept offers researchers an ideal environment for science and innovation. In the federal and state excellence competitions, in which TU Dresden won and renewed the title of excellence, DRESDEN-concept proved to be a significant factor. The physical proximity of the partners, the sustainable use of infrastructures within the alliance and the establishment of joint research priorities make Dresden an outstanding location for science.