Head Office

For general inquiries, please contact our head office coordinator:
Coordinator of the Head Office DRESDEN-concept e. V.
Romy Conrad
Phone +49 351 463 43178
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rödel
Head Office Manager DRESDEN-concept e. V.
Phone: +49 351 463 43178
E-Mail: gerhard.roedel(at)tu-dresden.de
Romy Conrad, Dipl.-Verw.-Betriebsw. (VWA)
Coordinator of the Head Office
DRESDEN-concept e. V.
Phone: +49 351 463 43178
E-Mail: romy.conrad(at)dresden-concept.de
Staff of the TU Dresden for DRESDEN-concept
Dr. Dirk Thamm
Advisor for Research Promotion
Tel.: +49 351 463 43160
Phone: dirk.thamm(at)tu-dresden.de
Kilian Ludwig Heine (M.A.)
Project Coordinator DRESDEN-concept
Phone: +49 351 463 40427
E-Mail: kilian.heine(at)tu-dresden.de
Anne Michalk (M. Sc.)
DRESDEN-concept Public Relations and Monitoring Advisor
Phone: +49 351 463 40428
E-Mail: anne.michalk(at)tu-dresden.de
Sabine Adam
Student Assistant DRESDEN-concept
E-Mail: shk-ddc[at]dresden-concept.de