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Science and Innovation


  • Season of Excellence – Dresden Summer Schools

    At the excellent science hub of Dresden, committed members of the DRESDEN-concept Science and Innovation Campus are creating and organizing exciting Summer Schools for young academics from all over the world.
  • Joint Appointments

    Between January and June 2024, six professorships were jointly appointed by TUD and DRESDEN-concept partner institutions. See here an overview of all current joint appointments.
  • Archimedes Science Award

    The Free State of Saxony will award the internationally announced Archimedes Science Award for the first time in 2025.
  • TUD Young Investigators

    Since the introduction of the TUD Young Investigator status in 2014, 78 people have been appointed as TUD Young Investigators, 39 of them from non-university DRESEDEN-concept partner institutions.
  • Bereich GSW der TU Dresden

    Relaunch of the website SAC IV “Culture and Social Change”


    A selection of collaborative projects, transfer activities in society and publication highlights have been integrated into the website.
  • Foto: Anja Schneider

    UNITED FOR DEMOCRACY – Dresden’s science and culture invites you on May 25, 2024

    On May 25 around 2,500 people joined forces in Dresden to send a strong signal in support of the value of democracy and a free and democratic coexistence as they celebrated a Festival of Democracy.

This is DRESDEN-concept

Logo DRESDEN-concept

DRESDEN-concept is the research alliance of TU Dresden with Dresden’s non-university research and cultural institutions. A total of 40 partner institutions have joined forces to bundle synergies in research and teaching as well as infrastructure and administration.

The acronym DRESDEN stands for Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty and emphasizes the focus of the collaboration: by networking across the boundaries of institutions and subjects, DRESDEN-concept offers researchers an ideal place for science and innovation.

Find out more

Upcoming events

The DRESDEN-concept Partners: