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Science and Innovation Campus

TUD Young Investigators

The “TUD Young Investigator” status strengthens excellent, independent junior research group leaders by fostering their integration into the faculties of TUD Dresden University of Technology and offering a qualification program FAST FORWARD tailored to their particular needs.

TUD Young Investigators are allowed to review doctoral theses and participate in various activities within the faculty, including teaching.

TUD Young Investigators of the non-university DRESDEN-concept partner institutions

TUD Young Investigators can become independent junior research group leaders with fixed-term contracts with the TUD or a partner institution of  DRESDEN-concept.
The TUD Young Investigators who are also junior research group leaders at a DRESDEN-concept partner institution are listed here (as of February 27, 2024).

School of Science at TUD

School of Engineering Sciences at TUD

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

School of Medicine at TUD

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Former TUD Young Investigators from the non-university DRESDEN-concept partner institutions