Fiber Plastic Composits
Wie lässt sich Material sparen und extreme Tragfähigkeit erzeugen?
Materials made from carbon-fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) are extremely performant and permit totally novel constructions. The efficient fibre strands used, carry the applied forces and redirect it. In order to achieve this, they have to be planed very precisely and purposefully processed. Computer simulations help to link the ideal models with visionary application possibilities, by calculating supporting framework-like structures made from carbon fibre. In an ideal case, extremely material-saving constructions are built with a very high load-capacity. The Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF) develops these technologies. In order to illustrate the mode of action, the IPF has constructed, in cooperation with the Faculty of Design of the University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW), the ultra-lightweight construction stool L1. With an own weight of only about 700 grams, it has a load-capacity of more than 200 kilograms. Just as nature demonstrates this in numerous examples, lines of forces and the fibre alignments come together ideally. Nothing is too much, nothing is too little. Possible applications for this technology can be found, wherever there is a need for energy saving through mass reduction or a need for increased security through highly stressable constructions. This is the case in the aviation and space industry as well as in automobile construction.