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Inter-institutional Postdoc Meeting at the Dresden Science Hub


You are a Postdoc in Dresden?
Meet other Postdocs on July 6

Shortly before the Science Cruise on July 6, DRESDEN-concept, in cooperation with HTW Dresden, offers a special event for postdocs at the Dresden University of Fine Arts (HfBK Dresden), where postdocs can learn more about open qualification offers and career opportunities of the DRESDEN-concept partner institutions.

Registration, Date and Location
Date: July 6, 2023 // 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Location: Dresden University of Fine Arts (HfBK Dresden)
Registration by e-mail to: annegret.wolf@htw-dresden.de

You can find further offers for postdocs of the DRESDEN-concept partner institutions here: https://dresden-concept.de/postdocs/?lang=en


Brühlsche Terasse mit Blick auf Frauenkirche und Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden © Falk Weiss