19th DDc Lunch Retreat: Bio-Inspired AI from Edge to Cloud: SpiNNaker 2 and Beyond
Time from:12:00 Uhr - until:13:00 Uhr
virtual meeting via Zoom
The 19th DDc Lunch Retreat addresses the topic “Bio-Inspired AI from Edge to Cloud: SpiNNaker 2 and Beyond”. We are looking forward to an interesting retreat with the key speaker:
- Prof. Christian Mayr (TUD)
The meeting will be held in English as a videoconference (Zoom). All DDc-scientists are cordially invited to join.
AI is having an increasingly large impact on our daily lives. However, current AI hardware and algorithms are still only partially inspired by the major blueprint for AI, i.e. the human brain. In particular, even the best AI hardware is still for away from the 20W power consumption, the low latency and the unprecedented large scale, high-throughput processing offered by the human brain.
In this talk, I will describe our bio-inspired AI hardware and algorithms, from our award-winning edge systems up to SpiNNaker 2, which is the largest cloud system for real-time AI worldwide.
On the hardware side, we combine high-performance and high-efficiency machine learning with sensor/actuator processing at millisecond latency. On the algorithm side, we merge the efficiency of biological approaches with the data handling capability of deep neural networks and the robustness of symbolic AI. Thus, our bio-inspired AI framework represents a breakthrough in the area of real-time human-machine interaction at cloud scale, e.g. for automotive, smart city or tactile internet applications.