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10 years of DRESDEN-concept

Following German unification, the idea to collaborate at the Dresden science hub was already present but without a registered legal form.

As part of TU Dresden’s application in the Excellence competition, the  DRESDEN-concept alliance was established in 2010 and decided to jointly participate in the race towards the Excellence status. On 20th August 2010 the statutes of the alliance were signed by TU Dresden, the University Hospital, the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (at the time called Research Centre Dresden-Rossendorf), the Leibniz IPF and IFW, the Deutsches Hygiene Museum, the SLUB, the State Art Collections, the Max-Planck CBG, PKS and CPfS as well as the Fraunhofer IKTS, IPMS, IWS and FEP.

Zeitleiste 2010
Zeitleiste 2011

Technische Universität Dresden becomes a University of Excellence. The DRESDEN Spirit is one of the success factors.The DRESDEN Technology Portal is established.

22 partners are part of the alliance. There are 59 joint appointments and numerous joint research services.

Zeitleiste 2016
Zeitleiste 2017

Two additional Fraunhofer Institutes join the alliance. DRESDEN-concept now boasts 24 partners.
The TU Dresden Welcome Center transforms into a jointly used institution and is renamed DRESDEN-concept Welcome Center at TU Dresden.

Technical Collections Dresden // Dresden Academy of Fine Arts // Barkhausen Institute are the newest partners in the alliance. Successful application for three Clusters of Excellence – all of them jointly submitted by DRESDEN-concept partners

Zeitleiste 2018
Zeitleiste 2019

TU Dresden renews its Excellence status – the science hub is elated! Prof. Brigitte Voit is appointed to the Board of Directors and replaces Prof. Wieland Huttner who has held this position since DDc’s inception.

Fournew associated partners: Fraunhofer IWU and IVV // UNU-Flores // Papiertechnische Stiftung Heidenau (PTS).

Intheanniversary year the number of partners has more than doubled. On 10th October 2020 the 32 partners will celebrate the 10-year anniversary in the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden.

Zeitleiste 2020