This was the Opening of the Science Exhibition in Prague on 10th April 2018
“Why don’t we think about a European University Prague-Dresden-Wroclaw”, said Prof. Müller-Steinhagen, thus introducing the visions of expanding the scientific partnership between Prague and Dresden. For the future, he can imagine joint courses of study, doctoral training or political lobbying that go beyond the agreements made in 1992.
Prof. Müller-Steinhagen and Prof. Zima met during the opening ceremony to expand the cooperation between the Karls-University and the DDc Partners.
Prof. Tomáš Zima, who was interviewed during the opening ceremony, suggested an even closer exchange in the field of natural sciences and referred to the tandem lectures between scientists from Prague and Dresden that took place during the month.
Prof. Müller-Steinhagen and Prof. Zima met during the opening ceremony to expand the cooperation between the Karls-University and the DDc Partners.
Prof. Tomáš Zima, who was interviewed during the opening ceremony, suggested an even closer exchange in the field of natural sciences and referred to the tandem lectures between scientists from Prague and Dresden that took place during the exhibition month.
Following the talk, representatives of the Scientific Area Committees (SAC) presented the exhibition topics. Pavel Tomanczak (MPI CBG) did so for Scientific Area Network 1 and Prof. Brigitte Voit (Leibniz IPF) for Scientific Area Network 2 & 3. SAC 4 was presented by Prof. Schultz.
In the historical Karolinum, the participants of the opening ceremony learned about the scientific relations between Saxony and Prague and Germany and the Czech Republic from Mrs. Christiane Markert, Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Prague and Mr. Tomáš Jan Podivinský. The state representatives motivated the scientists to enter into an even closer exchange and thus benefit from the excellent science at both locations.
With music and snacks and drinks, nothing more stood in the way of a lively exchange between the participants.
The DRESDEN-concept exhibition was on display at the Ovocný trh until 4 May 2018. On April 23rd and 24th, as well as on May 3rd there were also events between Dresden and Prague scientists.
Here you can download the event program: