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DHSN Dresden becomes the 41st partner in DRESDEN-concept


Illustrated city map of Dresden, with the DRESDEN-concept logo at the top right. In the middle is the outline of Dresden with the river Elbe flowing through it, marked with flags in 8 different colors. The legend reads: DRESDEN-concept partner institutions: TUD Dresden University of Technology, University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus Carus, 5 Universities of Applied Sciences / of the Arts, 3 institutions of the Max Planck Society, 9 institutes of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, 4 institutions of the Leibniz Association, 5 institutions of the Helmholtz Association, 7 further research institutions, 6 cultural institutions. As of: January 2025

The Cooperative State University of Saxony (DHSN), Dresden Campus, became the 41st partner in the DRESDEN-concept alliance on January 1, 2025.

The partner from science and culture have joined forces to bundle synergies in research and teaching as well as infrastructure and administration.

The acronym DRESDEN stands for Dresden Research and Education Synergies for the Development of Excellence and Novelty and emphasizes the focus of the collaboration: by networking across the boundaries of institutions and subjects, DRESDEN-concept offers researchers an ideal place for science and innovation.

The Cooperative State University of Saxony (DHSN) offers 8 three-year cooperative degree programs in the fields of technology and business at its Dresden location. Together with the DHSN’s six other locations, it hereby supports the transfer of scientific knowledge from theory to practice and vice versa. DHSN Dresden also has a wealth of experience in cooperative research with practice partners, particularly in the areas of digital transformation, environment and health as well as construction and energy.