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Schriftzug Season of Excellence DRESDEN Summer Schools

Event locations

Below are some useful links that you can use to find out about available facilities at TU Dresden and some DRESDEN-concept partners. We have listed a selection of rooms that are suitable for smaller groups or for larger events. The information is provided to give you an overview – if you have specific room requirements, please contact the direct room allocation service or room/event management team. We wish you the best of luck!

Das Foto zeigt mehrere Studierende in einem Seminarraum. Vor dem Whiteboard steht die Dozentin und spricht zu den Personen. Einer der Studierenden trägt ein Hörgerät. TUD_Crispin-Iven Mokry
ein Veranstaltungssaal TUD_Crispin-Iven Mokry

Facilities at TU Dresden


Selection of TUD event facilities:

  • Andreas Pfitzmann Building: Large seminar room (140 seats) in the Faculty of Computer Science
  • Hülße Building: Ballroom of the Faculty of Business and Economics, 3rd floor, north wing (if required incl. catering)
  • Hülße Building: Lecture hall (248 seats) + vestibule, 3rd floor, south wing
  • Auditorium Center: Lecture halls or seminar rooms (incl. vestibule), various room sizes
  • Fritz Foerster Building: Seminar rooms (32 seats)
  • August-Bebel-Str. (ABS House 94): Cinema / Lecture hall E11 (358 seats), lecture hall E08 (136 seats)
    Weberplatz: Lecture hall 254 (242 seats)
  • Trefftz Building: Lecture hall 203 or 204 (approx. 650 seats each)
    Hermann Krone Building: Institute of Applied Physics, seminar room 1.11
  • Von Gerber Building: Seminar rooms on the ground floor, or the lecture halls (up to approx. 169 seats)
  • New Chemistry Building (CHE): Seminar rooms on the 1st floor or the lecture halls on the ground floor (S89 or S91) (-> there is also a beautiful inner courtyard here) for open-air events, alternative option in the foyer
  • Görges Building (outside teaching hours) seminar rooms 127 and 229 (also including catering); to be clarified with D4 and room management. Beautiful surroundings of the Altana Gallery

Facilities at DRESDEN-concept partners