Teaching Synergies Program (TSP)
Through the Teaching Synergies Program of TU Dresden, (early-career) researchers from the DRESDEN-concept research alliance are systematically integrated into research-oriented teaching at TU Dresden. This is achieved through joint activities with lecturers at TUD (in the form of teaching tandems) and is supported by a qualification program. Thus, the TUD participants design their research-oriented courses alongside colleagues from DDc.
The aims of the program are:
- to create synergies between TU Dresden and DRESDEN-concept partner institutions in teaching.
- and to make the course offer more attractive for students by integrating extramural research.
The program is aimed at Lecturers at TU Dresden who are interested in cooperations with researchers of DRESDEN-concept or who would like to further develop already existing cooperations in the context of joint teaching activities and (Early-career) Researchers of DRESDEN-concept who aspire to a career at a university and would like to gain experience and qualifications in university teaching and university didactics.