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What’s on in Dresden
17 – 23 September


Once more: Please stay healthy!
Keep your distance to people; don’t stay too long in closed rooms with other people. Avoid physical contact. Wash your hands regularly. Cough in the crook of your arm, etc., etc.
Anyways, have some fun as well! Here come our tips for the upcoming week:

Tips for outside

This week we have a special recommendation for you: Use the last days of summer to experience the saxonian tradition of “boofen”! “Boofen” is a word only people in Saxony understand. It means to go hiking or climbing in the Sächsische Schweiz and then spent the night in an open cave, that protects you from wind and rain. This is something for adventure seekers! There are 57 officially declared “Boofen”( “Boofen” is also the name for the places where you spent the night.) You can find them e.g. via Geocacher. The coordinates and a short description (including a picture of the surrounding) of each “Boofe” are on this website.
Please mind to sett of early enough! It takes only around 30 minutes from Hauptbahnhof to the Sächsische Schweiz, but count in a little hike and some time to find the place. For that you need sun light. Furthermore, please mind to take the trash you produce and that it is forbidden to light a fire.

On Saturday, there will also be a Street Art Tour via Dresden. People meet at 2 p.m. at Albertplatz to get a closer look on Art in the Urban Area. The Tour durates 3 hours and costs 15€.

Tips for inside

On Sunday the Dresden 30th Intercultural Days are starting!
Until the 11th of October there will be a wide range of events. From movies (documentary “Buy me a çay and I‘ll tell you my story” on Sunday at 4.30 p.m. in the city hall) over interactive exhibitions (“Aware. Without Stereotype. Open.” Monday, Johannstadt, Holbeinstraße 68) to lectures, social events etc. up to intercultural religious events.
Check out the full program in different languages on the website of the city of Dresden!

Tips for the web

On Tuesday, there will be an online workshop on climate justice: What does the climate have to do with justice, and what impact do our actions have on people in other parts of the world? What we can do in our everyday lives to create a fairer world?
The BUND will try to figure that out with you 6-8 p.m. The workshop will probably be in German. However, for those of ou, who already practiced some German or participated in one of our Language Courses, it might be interesting. Access data will be provided at www.bund-dresden.de/klimagerechtigkeit.