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Time Machine Conference


Das Time Machine Project hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt Big Data der Vergangenheit zu systematisieren und zugänglich zu machen. Die Time Machine Conference 2019 findet am 10.-11.10. im Deutschen Hygiene Museum Dresden statt. Nähere Informationen zu Programm und Anmeldung sind jetzt online.

Conference Programme

The programme will start on 10th of October at 9 am and end on 11th of October at 5:30 pm. The conference takes place at the Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden.

Please kindly refer to this link for information about the Program.


Conference Registration:

Almost 2/3 of conference seats are already taken. If you haven´t registered yet, please do so immediately. Since we would like to ensure that as many Time Machine member organisations as possible will have the chance to take part in our meeting, from now on we will have to limit the registration to 2 person per institutions for Time Machine member organisations and 1 person per institution for others. Any additional registrations will be put on the waiting list. Information on acceptance will be given by 26th of September the latest.

We kindly ask you to register via this link. Conference participation is free of charge.

Conference Warmup

As part of a partnership between TORUS and Time Machine Organisation, and seeking to broaden access to the event’s learnings, throughout September, every Thursday, we will have a live online meeting with the speakers who are part of the conference’s program.

Meetings will be in English and you can access them by registering here. Register here for free for our online conference warm-up sessions. Every Thursday at 2pm, starting on Sep 5th until the conference.

If you have any queries, please visit the Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterconference page where you will find more information about the event or please feel free to contact us at conference@timemachine.eu